Thursday, August 29, 2024

Moore News (August 2024)

Hey everyone! I hope you're doing well. I wanted to give you a quick update on what's happening with Cornerstone and in our household.

Last week was orientation week, and we had several events. You might have seen on my Instagram Stories that we handed out 4,000 bottles of water. A big part of this was during convocation when all the freshmen gathered at the Peterson Events Center for basic instructions. We handed out 2,500 bottles in just 45 minutes to an hour—it was wild!

We also had a doughnut decorating event where people could design their own doughnuts. The idea behind this was to offer something—especially food—that would keep people around for a few minutes, giving us time to have conversations with them. It was a great success, with over 100 people attending.

For our big event, instead of our usual cookout, we hired food trucks this year thanks to the Cornerstone campaign. We had two trucks: Brisketburgh and Sak Pasé. The event went really well, with 250 people getting free food from the trucks, and another 100 or so just hanging out. We served mocktails and soda, so in total, about 350 people joined us. It was a very successful event.

Last night, we had our first Cornerstone meeting at a new time—8:00 PM instead of 8:40 PM. We aim to create a "home away from home" atmosphere, so we're now providing dinner every Wednesday. Of course, we had the college favorite, pizza, last night. I also gave a short devotion. It was a wonderful time, and God is truly moving through Cornerstone right now.

Emily is gearing up for the Bikes for Haiti event, which starts this Saturday. She's fully immersed in that right now. If you're interested in helping or donating, the link is above and below.

Benjamin is no longer looking at colleges. I’m still not going to reveal which college he’ll be attending until he gets accepted, but he’s starting his senior year at SciTech and continues to work at Chick-fil-A. I'm really proud of the man of God he’s becoming. He also just returned from a trip to Alaska with my parents, which was one of his dream destinations, and he had a blast.

Joshua is doing well. He has fully recovered from his surgery and the complications that came with it. Thank you all so much for your prayers; they really meant a lot to us. He’s back to playing football, now as a wide receiver for the University Prep, SciTech, and Obama football team (U.S.O.). He loves the game and is very gifted at it.

Asher has finally found a high school, though it's not SciTech like his brothers. Due to some administrative errors, he couldn’t get in there, but he did get into Allderdice High School, which specializes in engineering. He’ll be in the engineering program there. It’s a large school, but he’s adjusting well, especially since some of his close friends, including one of his best friends, are there with him.

Not much else is happening in the Moore household right now, but I'm sure things will get busier in the coming month. Thank you so much for your support and love. There’s still a chance to give to the campaign—I'll include the link below. If you want to give in other ways, that link will be below too. I love you all, and God bless!

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