Monday, September 9, 2024

Meet the Students: Jay Suggs


Andy: Good morning, everyone! My name is Andy Moore, and I’m one of the campus ministers here at the church. I work with Cornerstone, which is a Christian student group geared towards college students. I’ve been doing this for a while—17 years, going on 18!  
I also work for an organization called the CCO (Coalition for Christian Outreach), which partners with local churches. Cornerstone meets at 8 p.m. on Wednesdays downstairs for our large group gathering, but we have a lot of other activities too.  
It’s one thing for me, a 42-year-old campus minister, to stand up here and tell you how God works through Cornerstone, but it’s another to hear it from one of our students. Today, we have Jay Suggs, one of our student leaders, to share his experience. Jay, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?

Jay: Hi, everyone! My name is Jay. I’m a senior at Pitt, studying Engineering Science. I’ve been coming to Cornerstone since my freshman year, the first week of classes.  
I love bagels, playing guitar, and tennis. I’m also on the worship team and serve as the president of Cornerstone. It’s been a lot of fun!

Andy: Thank you, Jay. So, how did you first find out about Cornerstone?

Jay: Well, my dad was a Cornerstone student when he was at Pitt 25 years ago, back when BJ and Katrina Woodworth were leading the ministry. He told me about it and suggested I check it out.  
Then, during the first week, I ran into some people handing out water bottles on the street—shout out to Bobbi! I met Bobbi and another student, Morgan. I asked if they were part of Cornerstone, and they said yes. They encouraged me to come, and I’ve been coming ever since.

Andy: We’re so glad to have you! What has Cornerstone meant to you personally?

Jay: Coming into freshman year, I was really nervous about finding a solid Christian community. I wanted to find people who would encourage me in my faith, who I could just have fun with and be myself around.  
Cornerstone quickly became that home for me—a place far from home, but still a home. I’ve been blessed with so many friends through Cornerstone who’ve supported me, encouraged me, and been there for both the tough times and the great times. We’ve shared a lot of laughter together, and they’ve pushed me to grow as a Christian, a leader, a mentor, and a friend. It’s been an incredible blessing.

Andy: That’s awesome! What would you say to students out there who might be looking to get involved?

Jay: We would love to have you join us! After the service, we’ve got pizza downstairs for any undergraduate students. Come grab some food, hang out, and chat with us!  
As Andy mentioned, we meet every Wednesday at 8 p.m., but we also have other events throughout the week for those who can’t make it on Wednesdays, or if something else interests you more.  
Anyone wearing a Cornerstone shirt, like Andy and I, would love to talk with you about getting involved and being part of this awesome community.

Andy: Let’s give it up for Jay, everybody! Cornerstone has been around for a while, and God continues to do amazing things through the students involved.  
So, don’t forget—our main meeting is at 8 p.m. on Wednesdays, and we’ve got a pizza luncheon downstairs right after this service. Look for someone wearing one of these Cornerstone shirts. Thank you all!


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