Friday, August 9, 2024

Meet the Students: Simon Lingle


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Andy: Hey everybody, I hope you're doing well! I'm here with student leader Simon to tell you a little bit about himself and about Cornerstone. Simon, why don't you introduce yourself?

Simon: Hi, I'm Simon Lingle. I'm a senior civil engineering student at Pitt, and I'm part of the Wednesday night team here at Cornerstone. I help run our flagship Large Group on Wednesday nights.

Andy: That's great! So, how did you first hear about Cornerstone?

Simon: Well, a family friend from back home went to Bellfield about 30 years ago and suggested I check it out, saying, "It might still be all right." So, when I got to campus, I showed up on the first Sunday and thought, "Everyone here still seems about all right." I then decided to check out Cornerstone, and guess what? Everyone there also seemed all right, and it just kind of stuck. Now I'm here, probably doing way too many things!

Andy: Yes, you do a lot of things, and I'm glad we’re "all right!" So, Simon, what has Cornerstone meant to you?

Simon: A heck of a lot of things. It's my primary friend group and social network—it comprises most of the contacts in my phone at this point. It’s also been my best opportunity in a long time to express myself spiritually and grow in my faith, both in a strictly biblical sense and in how I express it outwardly.

Andy: That’s awesome! Lastly, is there anything you'd like to say to my supporters or to those watching?

Simon: This dude right here [gestures to the Andy] is like a top-five influence on me, period. He’s extremely generous with any student he meets—he’s even bought me Taco Bell numerous times by now! So, if you feel like donating Taco Bell to a broke college student, or if you want to support the wonderful ministry Andy's been doing here, it might cost him a few bucks, but it’s totally worth it!

Andy: Thank you so much, Simon! And to everyone watching, there’s still time to donate. We have a new campaign going, and there’s also the regular way to donate. The links will either be below or in my bio. Thank you all so much for your support and love. God bless!

To Donate to my NEW campaign:

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