Monday, September 30, 2024

Moore News (September 2024)


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Hey everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to give you a quick update on what's happening with Cornerstone and in the Moore household.

First, Cornerstone. I just got back from our first-ever Rest and Relaxation Retreat! Normally, we would be preparing for our Fall Retreat around this time, but this year, we're participating in the CCO's Western Pennsylvania Fall Retreat, which takes place in late October. With such a long gap between the start of the school year and that retreat, we felt the need to create something to fill that space.

The Fall Retreat has always been a time for people to connect, get involved, and deepen their relationship with God, so we decided to host a Rest and Relaxation Retreat. It gave us a chance to get away, reflect on the importance of having a Sabbath weekend, and boost morale. We had about 20 people join, and I did a bit of teaching. It was a truly wonderful time.

On a personal note, not much new, but on September 21st, I went before the Presbytery of the Alleghenies, with about 150 people present, for an examination to go "under care." I'm happy to report that I passed! I’m now officially under the care of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Next up are the ordination exams, and if all goes well, I could be ordained as early as February—it's coming up fast!

As for the family, not much to report there either. Ben just got his senior pictures done, which I'll post. Josh and Ben are both recovering from COVID, which recently hit our household, but thankfully, I haven't caught it—at least not yet! Please keep them in your prayers as they continue to recover.

Well, that’s all the news I have for now. I hope you’re doing well and feeling blessed. Have a great day!

To Donate to my campaign:

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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Financial Update: September 2024


Hello friends, Andy here! I just want to give you a quick financial update.

Over the past few weeks, about half a dozen people have either approached me or texted me, asking, "How are you doing financially? I know you have a campaign going on." The answer is, for the past couple of months, I’ve actually been doing pretty well. I’ve raised quite a bit through the campaign, a few people have generously donated through the usual means, and I’ve also gained some new donors, which has been amazing — a true testament to God's provision. I’m incredibly grateful to those of you who’ve been concerned about my financial situation, who’ve been praying for me, and to everyone who has supported me. 

However, I’m not entirely out of the woods yet. I still need to raise a little more to have a comfortable cushion in my ministry account. That’s where I need your help. I’m asking you to prayerfully consider donating to my campaign or sharing this message to help spread the word. 

I know that fundraising isn’t the most glamorous thing in the world, but it’s a powerful reminder of God’s provision. It can be a little scary at times — we can become so self-centered that we think everything depends on us. But trusting in God and relying on His provision is essential, and that’s what I’m striving to do.

So, thank you to everyone who has supported me and to those who will continue to support, whether through prayer or financial contributions. I humbly ask that you prayerfully consider giving to the campaign or sharing this video.

Thank you, and God bless!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Meet the Students: Jay Suggs


Andy: Good morning, everyone! My name is Andy Moore, and I’m one of the campus ministers here at the church. I work with Cornerstone, which is a Christian student group geared towards college students. I’ve been doing this for a while—17 years, going on 18!  
I also work for an organization called the CCO (Coalition for Christian Outreach), which partners with local churches. Cornerstone meets at 8 p.m. on Wednesdays downstairs for our large group gathering, but we have a lot of other activities too.  
It’s one thing for me, a 42-year-old campus minister, to stand up here and tell you how God works through Cornerstone, but it’s another to hear it from one of our students. Today, we have Jay Suggs, one of our student leaders, to share his experience. Jay, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?

Jay: Hi, everyone! My name is Jay. I’m a senior at Pitt, studying Engineering Science. I’ve been coming to Cornerstone since my freshman year, the first week of classes.  
I love bagels, playing guitar, and tennis. I’m also on the worship team and serve as the president of Cornerstone. It’s been a lot of fun!

Andy: Thank you, Jay. So, how did you first find out about Cornerstone?

Jay: Well, my dad was a Cornerstone student when he was at Pitt 25 years ago, back when BJ and Katrina Woodworth were leading the ministry. He told me about it and suggested I check it out.  
Then, during the first week, I ran into some people handing out water bottles on the street—shout out to Bobbi! I met Bobbi and another student, Morgan. I asked if they were part of Cornerstone, and they said yes. They encouraged me to come, and I’ve been coming ever since.

Andy: We’re so glad to have you! What has Cornerstone meant to you personally?

Jay: Coming into freshman year, I was really nervous about finding a solid Christian community. I wanted to find people who would encourage me in my faith, who I could just have fun with and be myself around.  
Cornerstone quickly became that home for me—a place far from home, but still a home. I’ve been blessed with so many friends through Cornerstone who’ve supported me, encouraged me, and been there for both the tough times and the great times. We’ve shared a lot of laughter together, and they’ve pushed me to grow as a Christian, a leader, a mentor, and a friend. It’s been an incredible blessing.

Andy: That’s awesome! What would you say to students out there who might be looking to get involved?

Jay: We would love to have you join us! After the service, we’ve got pizza downstairs for any undergraduate students. Come grab some food, hang out, and chat with us!  
As Andy mentioned, we meet every Wednesday at 8 p.m., but we also have other events throughout the week for those who can’t make it on Wednesdays, or if something else interests you more.  
Anyone wearing a Cornerstone shirt, like Andy and I, would love to talk with you about getting involved and being part of this awesome community.

Andy: Let’s give it up for Jay, everybody! Cornerstone has been around for a while, and God continues to do amazing things through the students involved.  
So, don’t forget—our main meeting is at 8 p.m. on Wednesdays, and we’ve got a pizza luncheon downstairs right after this service. Look for someone wearing one of these Cornerstone shirts. Thank you all!