Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Meet the Students: John Darnall

To Donate to my NEW campaign: https://ccojubilee.org/campaign/4398/Moore-Campaign 
*Side Note*: I will talk about this more in the next video.

To Donate Regularly: https://ccojubilee.org/staff/amoore

Hey everybody, Andy here. I'm here with John who's going to be telling us a little bit about Cornerstone. So first, John, tell us about yourself.

John: Yeah, my name is John Darnall. I'm a rising junior Computer Engineering major from Coatsville, Pennsylvania. I've been with Cornerstone since my freshman year. Excited to be here.

Andy: And how did you hear about Cornerstone?

John: I was raised in a Christian Presbyterian household, so my parents have been involved with my home church. It happens that my home church is in the same denomination as Bellefield Presbyterian Church where Cornerstone is based out of. So, it was a very logical step as I was going to college to go to the EPC church that's right on campus. Turns out they had a college ministry, Cornerstone. The first day we visited the church, I was greeted by various students who were older than me. They invited me to Bible studies in large groups. It took a little while to come around as I was getting adjusted to college life, but I got plugged into a small group led by Andy with two other students. And from there, I continued to come, and I've been coming ever since.

Andy: Awesome. We're glad that you're in Cornerstone. So tell us, what has Cornerstone meant to you?

John: Well, the biggest thing is it's really kept me centered in college. I feel like it can be really easy to get lost in all of the academics and different friend groups you can find. And just Cornerstone has been that centering place that I always come back to. The people there are so loving and godly and have played such a large impact on my life. I would not be where I am today without Cornerstone, without a shadow of a doubt.

Andy: That's awesome. Thank you so much for sharing that. And is there anything you'd like to say to those watching?

John: Thank you so much for supporting this man right here. He is so awesome. As I mentioned, I've had the pleasure of being in a small group with him since my freshman year. I've gotten to know him, be mentored by him, and guided for these last three years, and I'm excited for the fourth year. I can call him both a mentor and a friend. He has had such a large impact on my life. And by supporting him, you are supporting students like me and the ministry itself. Thank you so much for that.

Andy: Thank you. And if you're interested in donating, we have a new campaign that will be going on, or the regular donation link which will be listed below. So, thank you, and God bless.

John: Thank you.

To Donate to my NEW campaign: https://ccojubilee.org/campaign/4398/Moore-Campaign 

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