It has been a little over two months since my accident. Some effects still linger, but I am almost at 100%...I would say 99%, actually. Hopefully, others see the same results and I am not just making up statistics.
I went to the doctor for my second “concussion test” a few weeks ago, not knowing what to expect. I had failed that first test miserably; so much so, that the doctor told me I was “sub-human.” Needless to say, I did not have high expectations.
The test did seem relatively easier to me, though still required a great deal of concentration which took a lot of my energy. Soon the doctor came back with the test results and, again, I wasn’t expecting much. Fortunately, the scores were good…really good. The 50th percentile is a where a “normal” person should at least be at for these test. For my first test, I was in the low 30’s for memory. The new test results were now showing that I was in the 87th percentile. In fact, the doctor called me intelligent which I welcomed much more than his “sub-human” comment. I don’t think I could have even scored in the 87th percentile before the concussion. Maybe the concussion knocked something loose in my brain, or gave me super powers…maybe not.
Needless to say, after a very trying time, I feel good again. I still can’t do everything, like contact sports or read for a long time, but I feel normal again, if not better than before.
Like I touched on in my previous newsletter, getting a concussion (though trying) was a blessing and has given me a different outlook on life. I definitely am thankful to God for everything that has happened in the past two months, and pray that he continues to strengthen me.
Sunday Nights
Time and time again we analyze the strengths and weaknesses of Cornerstone, and time and time again we find that one of our largest weaknesses is outreach. Now, don’t get me wrong, some of our students are great at this, but not all are.
Every summer, we have a large group gathering with different college campus Christian organizations called, “Common Ground.” When deciding what we wanted Common Ground to look like this year, we decided to make it a primary focus of outreach…and so far, it has worked.
First, we changed the name from Common Ground to the simple Sunday Nights. Second, instead of our usual method of play/talk/food/play again, we decided to make it primarily recreationally based with the occasional serving of food. Here our students can invite others (primarily non-Christians) to come out and play volleyball, ultimate-Frisbee, etc. and then watch the movie of the week for free at Schenley Park. The focus of this time is to get to know others relationally, and then invite them to our Wednesday night Bible studies.
Why We Do What We Do
The following is an excerpt from a blog ( written by former student, Dan Serwon simply known as “Serwon.” Serwon graduated from Pitt in 2009 with a Civil and Environmental Engineering Degree. Since graduating, he has joined the Peace Corps, and now resides in Rwanda, Africa. I had the pleasure of knowing Dan during his stead at Pitt. He has a servant’s heart, which is one reason why he has decided to help others through the Peace Corp. He is truly a fantastic man of God. Read more about him:
Second semester of junior year I started a new co-op at Bunting Graphics Inc. I was working as a project manager of sorts. They never gave me any real responsibility. I hated this job although my boss was alright. Everyone I worked with appeared to hate their job and their boss. While working here I went on a mission’s trip to the Naomi house orphanage in Navajo Nation Arizona during spring break. I went with a lot of people that I knew but didn’t hang out with. I don’t think I would have done this the year before, but now that it no longer mattered to me who was going. It did still matter if these people liked me though so that was my main focus of the trip. I succeeded. It didn’t really matter to me how much I could help out there even though that was really the reason I went there. I have been told many times that an experience is going to change your life, but never actually experienced that. The Naomi trip did not change my life. All it really did was showed me more people that I desperately wanted to be like…A guy I became friends with is Andy aka dad. Andy and I have a very similar sense of humor so we hit it off rather quickly even though he is a huge West Virginia fan. He also was one of the Cornerstone leaders.
After I finished working at Bunting Graphics Inc. I went back to school for an entire calendar year. This wasn’t my plan. I wanted to find another co-op and continue trying to make civil engineering work out. Any civil engineering job is a good one right so if this is the case then in order to be successful I needed to continue down this path. I had hated both co-ops that I had had so far and neither of them wanted me back either. The co-op office decided that they weren’t going to help me find a new co-op. On the same night we had bible study. I was off during bible study and it must have been obvious because at the end of the night Andy started asking me what was wrong. We talked for a long time about how I felt like a failure. Andy praised me for my actions on the Naomi trip. This was the life changing experience that I was waiting for. God was speaking to me through Andy. I was like Jacob, wrestling with God for my whole life; serving myself instead of others. Any good that I did was a selfish desire to make myself feel a little happier. Happiness isn’t based on what happens to you it is how you face what happens to you. I thought that money and success would bring me happiness, but the only thing that could make me happy is doing as Jesus says. I needed to die to myself and live for others.
If you would like to read the rest of this story, Serwon’s testimonies, or more of his adventures, visit his blog at The rest of this story is in his article titled, “Thorns.
As you can see from the chart, our support has increased $3,000, which is 85% of our desired goal. You may have also noticed that our desired goal has changed from $3,200 to $3,500. The reason that this has increased is because of another raise that I have received. It is because of all of you, I have been raising this support so I can minister to students like Serwon, and see how God has worked in his life after graduation. Working with College students, and seeing God transform them, is a true blessing. If you would like to help this ministry, we are always looking for new supporters. This is what makes ministry possible. Now that I have gotten a raise, this is more important than ever! If God leads you to do so, we would love for you to be a part of this ministry through gift and/or prayer. I am asking that my current supporters give an extra 10% on top of their usual giving. This will help to make up the difference from what I currently make and from my goal. We trust for you and for us that God will provide. He always has, and He always will. Remember that any gift is a good gift. We thank you, and may God bless you richly because you have given to advance His kingdom! Please be in prayer that God will continue to build our support team and that we would be faithful in doing our part.
Moore News
We have returned recently from our annual voyage to Colorado. As most of you know, Emily grew up on a farm in the little town of Eaton, CO, so it is always exciting to return there. We spent the majority of our time traveling to different Colorado locations including Greeley, Fort Collins, Denver, and Estes Park. It was a busy time, but fun none-the less. The kids always enjoy seeing Granny and Grandpa, as well as playing on the farm. This year, Granny went out of her way by replicating a football field in the front yard, complete with goal posts and spray painted yard lines and end zones. Joshua and Benjamin spent most of their time there returning kicks, showing off their jukes, spin moves, and stiff arm. After one morning of playing on the field, Benjamin decided that he wanted to be a professional football player we he grows up, exclaiming, “I just don’t know where I got these moves!”
Soon we leave for our second vacation with my family to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. We have not been to the beach since Emily was pregnant with Benjamin, so it will be nice to return. It will also be great to get my whole family back together for vacation. It is always a good relaxing time.
We thank you all, and pray that God continues to bless you richly!
In Christ,
Andy Moore
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