“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” -2 Corinthians 5:17
The other day I was watching the NFL network, and saw a clip on Jim Mora interviewing Michael Vick. For those of you who don’t know who Michael Vick is, he is a quarterback who was thrown in jail a few years ago for fighting dogs. It was one of those things that you catch a glimpse of on television, and then it just reels you in.
Now, I’ve never been a big fan of Michael Vick. Maybe it is because I am a West Virginia University alumnus, and he played for their heated rival Virginia Tech. Maybe it is because he was a trouble maker, and had a knack for doing the wrong thing. Maybe it is because he came across as cocky and had a “better-than-thou” attitude. I cannot pinpoint the reason, I just didn’t like him.
When Vick was arrested and thrown in jail for dog fighting, I thought, “Finally that jerk has what is coming to him.” Part of me was even saddened when he was released from prison, because I thought his punishment should have been more severe. I even was secretly hoping that the NFL would not reinstate him. I definitely had bitter feeling towards him.
So, when I sat down to watch this interview I was actually a bit stunned to what I had heard. Apparently Tony Dungy (the former coach for the Indianapolis colts and outspoken Christian) visited Vick in jail and led him to Christ. From then on, Vick has been straitening his life out.
All of this time, I was hoping Vick would get what was coming to him, but instead he went through a transformation that can only be found in Christ. All this time, I was focusing so much on Vick’s sin that I was blinded to the fact that even he can be changed by Christ. Redemption was not out of his reach.
Sometime we focus so much on the bad that a person does, that we fail to realize that God can change their life. It was a powerful lesson I’ve learned, and one that I am thankful God taught me. After all, when I found Christ in college, I’m sure many were saying, “He found Jesus?” Thank God for redemption and transformation.
Fall Retreat
One of my favorite Cornerstone events has come and gone. On September 24th-26th, approximately seventy students gathered at Suncrest Camp in Rochester, PA to worship God in community at our annual Fall Retreat. Our speaker this year was none other than CCO president Dan Dupee.
Dan gave three messages on what it looks like to work and rest for God. They were three fantastic messages that really resonated with students. He taught that when we work at our schoolwork, or future vocation, we do so with a fervency to glorify God. He also said that when we rest, or take a Sabbath, it should be one of restoration. These were messages that students definitely needed to hear.
The retreat was a lot of fun, and a great way to meet the incoming freshman…and show them that I still have a little juice in me when I play football against them.
Why We Do What We Do
Meet Steven “Mookie” Reich. Mookie is a sophomore at Pitt, majoring in mathematics. He has a great personality with a very quick wit, he is an eagle scout, knows morse code, and is great at connecting with freshmen. Read more about him:
1. What is your favorite movie, book, and band/music? Movie: Princess Bride, Book: Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut (if the Bible doesn't count), Music: The Who
2. What has been your involvement in Cornerstone? I'm on the Freshman Ministry Team, and I have been coming to Cornerstone for a little over a year now. I have taken part in a few different small group Bible studies as well as a D-group [discipleship].
3. How has Cornerstone helped you during your years at Pitt? Cornerstone has definitely been an important part of my college life. Having a supportive Christian community has strengthened my faith and brought me closer to God; I never really had that experience in high school. Jubilee in particular was very powerful to me, especially the worship there.
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” –James 1:17
It is amazing that after months of worry and concern over not getting full paychecks, how much God has blessed us. It is also amazing what happens when you put full trust in him. Again, we have received a full paycheck and received a bit of cushion in our ministry account as well. After all of my doubts at what my calling is, it is great to know that God as surely affirmed it. God is truly good, and Emily and I know that better than ever. Praise him for his love, guidance, and generosity! As you can see, we are now at $2,540 per month, or 87% of where we need to be. Again, we had some huge one time donations that will help us make it through the next couple of months. Just because we are better off financially does not mean that we don’t need help. I am asking that my current supporters give an extra 10% on top of their usual giving. With this money we can be at full monthly support again, and I will have more time to minister to students like Mookie. We are always looking for new supporters that help make this ministry possible. If God leads you to do so, we would love for you to be a part of this ministry through your financial gifts and your prayers. Remember that any gift is a good gift. In the past few months, we have truly witnessed God’s provision. We thank you, and may God bless you richly because you have given to advance His kingdom! Please be in prayer that God will continue to build our support team and that we would be faithful in doing our part.
Moore News
Not much to report in the Moore household. Asher just celebrated his first birthday. We had an elephant party for him with close family and friends. He remains our happy baby; smiling at pretty much anyone, or anything he sees. It has been great watching him develop in the past year.
Another milestone will be taking place soon. I will be taking Benjamin to his first WVU football game. I promised him that when he turned four, I would do so. He is extremely excited to help his dad root on the Mountaineers (or has he calls them, “The West Virginias”). Yes, I know that I work at Pitt, but I have not been converted over to a Pitt athletics fan. Don’t get me wrong, I love Pitt students, just not Pitt athletics. I will always be A Mountaineer.
Joshua remains his mischievous self. Actually, people have started calling him, “little Andy”…but, I hope it is not for that reason. But as much mischief as he gets in, he makes up for it by his uncanny way of melting your heart.
Emily remains the best wife and mom anyone could ask for. She is the one the boys run to in distress, or for some cuddling…I am the one they run to for some rough housing, or to play catch.
In Christ,
Andy Moore
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