Thursday, September 19, 2024

Financial Update: September 2024


Hello friends, Andy here! I just want to give you a quick financial update.

Over the past few weeks, about half a dozen people have either approached me or texted me, asking, "How are you doing financially? I know you have a campaign going on." The answer is, for the past couple of months, I’ve actually been doing pretty well. I’ve raised quite a bit through the campaign, a few people have generously donated through the usual means, and I’ve also gained some new donors, which has been amazing — a true testament to God's provision. I’m incredibly grateful to those of you who’ve been concerned about my financial situation, who’ve been praying for me, and to everyone who has supported me. 

However, I’m not entirely out of the woods yet. I still need to raise a little more to have a comfortable cushion in my ministry account. That’s where I need your help. I’m asking you to prayerfully consider donating to my campaign or sharing this message to help spread the word. 

I know that fundraising isn’t the most glamorous thing in the world, but it’s a powerful reminder of God’s provision. It can be a little scary at times — we can become so self-centered that we think everything depends on us. But trusting in God and relying on His provision is essential, and that’s what I’m striving to do.

So, thank you to everyone who has supported me and to those who will continue to support, whether through prayer or financial contributions. I humbly ask that you prayerfully consider giving to the campaign or sharing this video.

Thank you, and God bless!

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