“This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” -1Timothy 2:3-4
My entire existence is built on relationships…it’s true. Whether it be my relationship with God or my relationships with others. Part of this is due to my extraversion. I get my kicks from talking to people, and mostly feel the need to always have someone around. Unfortunately what is an extreme strength can also be a weakness, because I cannot stand when people do not like me and dislike being alone. God has gifted me as one who relates to someone easily, and does not have a hard time of including them. In fact, when I took the Strenghtfinder test I found these to be my two highest strengths: Inclusion and winning others over.
Because I am good at talking to people and making them feel welcomed, I have (by the grace of God) become pretty good at delivering a gospel presentation. Now, I could take pride in this statement, but cannot for I know that this is not of my doing, but God’s alone. Sometimes we have a tendency to present the Gospel without a sense of urgency. We present it as if it is something a person should want and not what a person should need. In all reality, a relationship with God was woven into the very fabric of our existence. It is something that we need just as much as food, water, air and shelter. It is essential to our survival. This has helped to shape my entire view of the Gospel and how it deals with relationships. If we avoid sharing the Gospel, we are spiritually suffocating those who so desperately need it.
So as you deal with others, whether you are introverted or extraverted, do so with the urgency that God desires for all to be saved.
Cornerstone Update
This year has been good so far. Cornerstone has had all of its usual week one events, but there has been one difference: we have had an overwhelming amount of people. From giving out water or cupcakes, to our pick-up game of ultimate Frisbee, to our welcome back cookout, we have met a lot of new people. It has definitely been an answer to prayer. The wheel has started to turn, and we just pray that the momentum continues to build. The first large group meeting for Cornerstone also saw it’s share of people, but (like always) the numbers have slowly dwindled. We also have a record setting 85 people signed up for our Fall Retreat, and we aren’t even finished with sign ups!
I have a feeling that this year will have its set of challenges, but also it’s set of rewards. Please pray that our students and staff remain faithful to the calling the God has given us.
Why We Do What We Do
Meet Leigh Wiker. Leigh is a Spanish major at Pitt who helps to lead one of our small groups. She says, “I am not a morning person and have a pretty intense sweet tooth.” Read more about her:
1. What is your favorite movie, book, and band/music? Favorite movie -- Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Favorite book -- probably the Harry Potter series, but I also really like all Jodi Piccoult books, Musicians -- Hanson or Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers
2. What has been your involvement in Cornerstone? I have been involved in Cornerstone since my freshman year. I started off by coming to the large group meetings on Wednesday and then second semester I joined a Bible study. I continued in Bible studies until my junior year, when I started to lead one. I continue to lead a Bible study this year as well.
3. How has Cornerstone helped you during your years at Pitt? Cornerstone has given me the encouragement and direction to really own my faith and dive deeper into Scripture. I grew up in the church, but it wasn't until I came to college and was faced with all new experiences that I was challenged to develop my faith. Cornerstone provided me with a community of people who were willing to help guide me in my spiritual growth.
You may have seen from the chart that our monthly giving has increased from $3000 to $3200, 91% of where we need to be. God never ceases to amaze me with his provision and the people that he uses to provide. It is because of all of you, I have been raising this support so I can minister to students like Leigh, and see how God has worked in her life during her years at Pitt. Working with College students, and seeing God transform them, is a true blessing. If you would like to help this ministry, we are always looking for new supporters. This is what makes ministry possible. Now that I have gotten a raise, this is more important than ever! If God leads you to do so, we would love for you to be a part of this ministry through gift and/or prayer. I am asking that my current supporters give an extra 10% on top of their usual giving. This will help to make up the difference from what I currently make and from my goal. We trust for you and for us that God will provide. He always has, and He always will. Remember that any gift is a good gift. We thank you, and may God bless you richly because you have given to advance His kingdom! Please be in prayer that God will continue to build our support team and that we would be faithful in doing our part.
Moore News
We now have a five year old in our house. That’s right, Benjamin turned five on the 8th of this month. It is odd, for there is part of me that loves watching him grow up and mature, while the other part of me is sad that time is going by so fast. Next I will blink, and he will be in college…or getting married…or starting a family of his own. Though half a decade has now passed with him, our love for him and our other boys and their quirky personalities will always be on a permanent incline. Five years ago, Emily and I became parents and our worlds were rocked and are still being so. I just pray that in the years to come, that we will make the most of every moment with Benjamin, Joshua, and Asher.
Again, no words can express how thankful we are for you all and your giving! God Bless!
In Christ,
-Andy Moore