Dear Friends and Family,
I was walking into a department store in early November and had to do a double take when I saw a Christmas tree up. “It can’t be that time of year already,” I thought to myself. Sure enough, I get back to the car and turn to a radio station play my favorite Christmas song, “O Holy Night.” Sure, it is a tad early to start celebrating Christmas, but I get excited non-the-less.
As I sit in the car pondering the lyrics of this favorite carol, I can’t help but think that it is a great reflection of what Christmas is all about. When I hear the stanza, “Long lay the world in sin and error pining, till He appeared and the soul felt its worth,” it truly makes me thankful for the sacrifice that Jesus made, and the humble method by which he came to this earth. Even though it is great to give and get all of those splendid presents on Christmas morning, and I do believe that God is glorified by that joy, only God can truly satisfy our souls. This is the reason why we can be so joyful to give and receive on Christmas.
It seems that this is the time of year where I find myself more grateful for what God has given my family and me. Though we have gone through are share of struggles financially this year, God has truly blessed us. In a time where 50% of all marriages end in divorce, Emily and I have a strong marriage that some would envy. We also have three beautiful boys whom we absolutely love. It has been great watching them develop and grow. We are in a place that we absolutely love, with a job that God has truly blessed both of us with. We have so much to be thankful for.
It is often at this time that I also find myself thinking of those who are less fortunate than me. I have witnessed the world’s poverty first hand, especially this year when I went to the Dominican Republic and Honduras. It was in these places that I truly learned of American consumerism, learned to be thankful for what I have, and also learned that true joy is found in Christ and Christ alone. So though the people I met may not be as rich financially as us, they often are rich in spirit which many of us would desire.
The song goes on to say, “Truly He taught us to love one another, His law is love and His gospel is peace. Chains he shall break, for the slave is our brother. And in his name all oppression shall cease.” It’s amazing to have such a personal God, isn’t it? A God who has freed us from the bondage of sin. A God who loves us despite of our blemishes. It is amazing.
So, this Christmas remember each other and, above all, remember our Lord and Savior. Remember how He came to this earth, and remember how He conquered it. May you have a very Merry Christmas! God Bless!
In Christ,
Andy, Emily, Benjamin, Joshua, & Asher Moore