Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Moore News (July 2024)

To Donate to my NEW campaign: https://ccojubilee.org/campaign/4398/Moore-Campaign

To Donate Regularly: https://ccojubilee.org/staff/amoore

Hey friends, Andy here. Just wanted to give you all a couple of updates on everything going on in the Moore household.

First, a couple of personal updates. My coworker of 17 years, Bobbi Perkins, has decided that God is calling her elsewhere and has decided to step down from ministry. Bobbi and I came on staff together at the same time, 17 years ago. We went through training together and have shared both good times and bad times. She has been my partner in crime and one of my best friends, so I am very sad to see her go. But I'm also thrilled to see what God has planned for her future.

In the meantime, we are hiring two people. We're hiring Boaz, who was my intern last year and is also a Cornerstone Alum, and we're hiring Savanna, who was our University Ministry assistant and is also a Cornerstone Alum.

Now, Bobbi is moving on to a position at Trinity Anglican Seminary, formerly known as Trinity School for Ministry, which is where I graduated from. This leads to my second announcement: after eight long years, I finally completed my Master of Divinity and have graduated from Seminary. Now, I am on the path to ordination, which I hope to complete by May. I still want to be a campus minister at Bellfield and work with Pitt students, as that is my calling. I will be ordained while doing so.

In other news, Emily and I celebrated our 20th anniversary, which has been a wonderful 20 years. We celebrated by going to Disney World in February, which is a less populated time. We had a blast visiting both Disney and Universal. I got to see Galaxy's Edge, the Star Wars theme park, and Emily got to visit the Harry Potter theme park at Universal—something we've both always wanted to do.

As for the boys, Ben has started looking at colleges pretty seriously. He's narrowed down his choices but hasn't made a final decision yet, so we’re not sharing specifics until he decides. Josh, on the other hand, has had a rough time recently. He had a tonsillectomy and experienced some complications, including bleeding, which led to a couple of nights in the hospital. It was pretty scary, but God is good, and He delivered Josh through that time. We are so grateful for your prayers during that period; it meant the world to us. Josh is now recovering very well and is back at home.

Asher is now looking at high schools and hopes to join his brothers at SciTech, which is located right by where I work in Oakland. He is currently on the waiting list for SciTech, so we would appreciate your prayers that he finds the best school, whether it's SciTech or elsewhere, and that God's will be done in this situation.

We love you all so much and thank you for your support, whether through prayer or financially. We just ask that God blesses you richly in return. There's still time to give to the new campaign or regularly, and those links will be below. Thank you all so much. God bless!

To Donate to my NEW campaign: https://ccojubilee.org/campaign/4398/Moore-Campaign

To Donate Regularly: https://ccojubilee.org/staff/amoore

Thursday, July 18, 2024

July Financial Update


To Donate to my NEW campaign: https://ccojubilee.org/campaign/4398/Moore-Campaign

To Donate Regularly: https://ccojubilee.org/staff/amoore

Hey everyone, Andy here.

As you may have seen from my last video, I have started a new campaign and wanted to talk about it a bit. I'm reaching out with a heartfelt request to replenish my ministry account, which has dipped a little due to my focus on another campaign, the Cornerstone campaign. I'm aiming to raise about $6,000 to provide a cushion as I seek new monthly donors to sustain and expand our ministry's impact.

A healthy account allows me to dedicate more time to campus activities for meaningful ministry, reducing the need for support raising. It also covers personal expenses related to ministry work, ensuring effectiveness and our presence in the mission field. Importantly, it enables us to assist students, making a tangible difference in their lives.

Support raising might be a foreign concept to many, but I believe it is vital. It transforms ministry from an individual effort to a communal mission, inviting others to join in a sacred partnership. By pooling resources and prayers, we further the kingdom of God. Raising support helps us cultivate a network of believers united in a purpose, each playing a unique role in the ministry's success. This collective endeavor not only sustains me but also allows supporters to actively participate in God's work, creating a shared legacy of faith and generosity.

Through support raising, we embody the truth that ministry thrives best when carried on the shoulders of many, echoing the early church's spirit of unity and shared mission. So, I ask that you prayerfully consider donating to the cause. Your generosity will directly impact our ability to minister effectively and support the students we serve.

If you're interested in donating, the link to the campaign will be below. There is also the regular way of donating listed there as well.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers, support, and commitment. God bless.

To Donate to my NEW campaign: https://ccojubilee.org/campaign/4398/Moore-Campaign

To Donate Regularly: https://ccojubilee.org/staff/amoore

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Meet the Students: John Darnall

To Donate to my NEW campaign: https://ccojubilee.org/campaign/4398/Moore-Campaign 
*Side Note*: I will talk about this more in the next video.

To Donate Regularly: https://ccojubilee.org/staff/amoore

Hey everybody, Andy here. I'm here with John who's going to be telling us a little bit about Cornerstone. So first, John, tell us about yourself.

John: Yeah, my name is John Darnall. I'm a rising junior Computer Engineering major from Coatsville, Pennsylvania. I've been with Cornerstone since my freshman year. Excited to be here.

Andy: And how did you hear about Cornerstone?

John: I was raised in a Christian Presbyterian household, so my parents have been involved with my home church. It happens that my home church is in the same denomination as Bellefield Presbyterian Church where Cornerstone is based out of. So, it was a very logical step as I was going to college to go to the EPC church that's right on campus. Turns out they had a college ministry, Cornerstone. The first day we visited the church, I was greeted by various students who were older than me. They invited me to Bible studies in large groups. It took a little while to come around as I was getting adjusted to college life, but I got plugged into a small group led by Andy with two other students. And from there, I continued to come, and I've been coming ever since.

Andy: Awesome. We're glad that you're in Cornerstone. So tell us, what has Cornerstone meant to you?

John: Well, the biggest thing is it's really kept me centered in college. I feel like it can be really easy to get lost in all of the academics and different friend groups you can find. And just Cornerstone has been that centering place that I always come back to. The people there are so loving and godly and have played such a large impact on my life. I would not be where I am today without Cornerstone, without a shadow of a doubt.

Andy: That's awesome. Thank you so much for sharing that. And is there anything you'd like to say to those watching?

John: Thank you so much for supporting this man right here. He is so awesome. As I mentioned, I've had the pleasure of being in a small group with him since my freshman year. I've gotten to know him, be mentored by him, and guided for these last three years, and I'm excited for the fourth year. I can call him both a mentor and a friend. He has had such a large impact on my life. And by supporting him, you are supporting students like me and the ministry itself. Thank you so much for that.

Andy: Thank you. And if you're interested in donating, we have a new campaign that will be going on, or the regular donation link which will be listed below. So, thank you, and God bless.

John: Thank you.

To Donate to my NEW campaign: https://ccojubilee.org/campaign/4398/Moore-Campaign