Meet the Students
Meet Kalan Culver-McDonald, a (now) sophomore World History Major at Pitt. Kalan is currently one
of our Freshmen Bible Study Leaders. Read more about him:
As it often is in all of our personal narratives, coming to Christ was never an
instant transformation for me. It has been, and always will be, an unfolding
story, inseparable from the endless twists and turns of my life, and for
people faithful and otherwise, college is the twistiest of turns. However, for
me, this always came with the question: How will leaving home, being on
my own, affect my devotion and my lifestyle? Of course, I am overjoyed, but
I never thought that the Church would become a part of my daily schedule
at that point, or that I’d be trusted to lead a Bible study, certainly never
thinking fellow students would be telling me that my efforts were guiding
them to God! I never imagined any of this because I never imagined that I’d
find a community like Cornerstone.
When I arrived at Pitt, religion was very important to me, but I struggled to live my faith and find ways
to apply it actively. As I have told many of my friends, my Church community back home was almost
nonexistent. So, I had never learned how to do more than read the Bible
and pray. I was striving for God, but I wasn’t using my life to love Him. Going to Cornerstone every
Wednesday night changed all of that, and I specifically remember knowing it at the fall retreat. This was
the first time I had found a group who loved each other because they truly cared to and felt called to.
Where else could I go where everybody just wants to talk about God in every aspect of their lives? It’s
incredible! Simply put, it is the community of Cornerstone that finally taught me how to put my faith
into action all over my life, from relationships to activities and classes.
After a full year of being involved with Cornerstone, I can’t even begin to reflect on my life without
noticing the major changes. I no longer view prayer solely as an ‘Our Father’ or a reverent petition, but I
see my whole life as prayer. I wake up to follow the day that God has
planned for me. I go to my classes so I can prepare for the career God knows He can use me best in. I
talk to people knowing I’m being called to show them Christ’s love. My conversations are to better
understand the Lord, and any second in between is used to find new ways to spread the Gospel.
Cornerstone gave me the opportunity and trust to become a leader and a servant together. Writing this,
I feel like I’m rambling on and on, but what God has worked in my life through Cornerstone can’t be
described concisely. It hasn’t been a series of discernible changes; my life has been repurposed
gradually but completely. That’s what God can do in this community, and I can’t wait to see the
tumultuous and probably crazy way in which God bends
my life next.
Financial Update
Every day I praise God because of where he has put me, and who he has put me with. It is one thing to
go to work to keep you and your family comfortable, but it is another thing to go to work and enjoy
what you do. There is no better feeling in the world then to go to work, enjoy it, and in the process
glorify God the work you just accomplished! The work that I do has only been accomplished because I
have a base of people praying for me and supporting me financially. It is because of God working
through you all, that I am able to minister to students like Kalan.
As you can see, we are now at $3,656 per month, or 80% of where we need to be. If you are wondering why the percentage is so low, it is
because I received another raise of an extra $300 a month! Having full support for every paycheck for the past
year has been great, but we could still use your help. I am asking that my current supporters give an extra 10%
to 25% on top of their usual giving. With this money we will have more time to minister to students. We are
always looking for new supporters that help make this ministry possible. If God leads you to do so, we would love for you to be a part of this
ministry through your financial gifts. Remember that any gift is a good gift. In the past few months, we have truly witnessed God’s provision.
We thank you, and may God bless you richly because you have given to advance His kingdom! Please be in prayer that God will continue to
build our support team and that we would be faithful in doing our part.
Moore News
This past month was one that was marked with various academic achievements and awards for our
children. Benjamin, after just one year at his new school (Pittsburgh Science and Technology
Academy), won the 6th grade student of the year. Joshua was voted in as president of the
Elementary Honor Society at Fulton Elementary School, and will me giving a commencement
speech at his 5th grade “graduation.” Finally, Asher won student of the semester at the Pittsburgh
Gifted Center. We have always preached to our boys that God has given us a mind for a reason: to
obtain as much knowledge as possible in order to glorify him and to help others. We are so
incredibly proud of our boys!
In worse news, Emily recently had to undergo vascular surgery. For years, her varicose veins have
been causing her a great deal of pain. After getting them examined, it was determined that the
blood was flowing incorrectly in them (causing the pain), and they needed to be removed. She
underwent the surgery on May 30th, and has been slowly, but steadily, recovering. Emily has always been slow at recovering, and the
thought of being idle does not sit well with her. Please be in prayer as she continues to recover.
Thank you for your prayers, and your continued support.
In Christ,
Andy Moore